The Movie
Ah! Where do we begin? It’s been so long and a lot has happened: continents were left behind, new places were discovered, girls were asked out on an impulse, only to be completely forgotten on the next one, some gazes were met leaving questions unanswered and intentions unknown while other eyes were lost forever, submarines were sunk to reach new heights, eras were ended, gold was collected, mistakes were pondered upon, ambitions were made and then changed only to be revised again...( and the search for the light still continues) mostly countless hours were spent staring at the wall, the ceiling, the rain outside or her eyes. Neither am I qualified enough nor is it my mojo to milk the sacred cow so I will lay this part to rest.
The programme for this evening is not new. You have seen this entertainment through and through. You have seen your birth, your life and your death; you may recall all the rest. Let’s see how much I do...
The autumn of disappointment quickly led to a cold and prolonged winter where countless attempts were made to understand my actions. Though none of these attempts were made by me (I gave up such worthless pursuits a long time ago) they still served as a reminder that I was not alone, for now that is. The new-year brought along with it a new numbness, though not that comfortable. What was also noteworthy was that along with the new-year came the apparent commitment season. Some chose to announce their new found love from the rooftops while others (very aptly) followed a ‘pehle aap’ philosophy. I would have let this slide by had it not brought my friends, who had just joined the committed bandwagon, to ask me why I hadn’t hoped on it yet. In my stay in never-ever-again-land (read as roorkee) I have been asked this question by quite a lot of people including some who have the anatomical ability to change the answere. I must admit I have mixed feelings when I hear it: it’s nice to know people expect someone to be romantically associated with you but there is also the growing frustration of not knowing why the cosmos conspires to keep such a thing from happening.
To answere lets analyse, there is always the question of the school. I know that we have a rich tradition of sending entries to the convention in LA but it’s not a compulsory thing and the fact that I resembled something that can best be described as a close descendent of a woolly mammoth in my school days wouldn’t have helped. After coming to never-ever-again-land I think it’s only fair to say that my choices have been limited and I sort of tend to be too late to act. Then there are those who return my gaze with one of their own (although maybe not as wide eyed and not with an open jaw) or with a polite smile. I am afraid I have become a collector of looks, some of which I want to respond to but don’t really know how to and when I do try...well I guess you would have read Pinky and the Brains. I think I am a bit like Pauli Bleaker; so is there a Juno reading this.
I think I will end this here because a great man once said ‘there is more to life than scoring chicks’ and I think I have digressed enough because spring was upon us and after chasing away the winter it brought some new experiences and the highest point till now. So get ready for the sequel...